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Found 67 results for the keyword knowledge systems. Time 0.007 seconds.
Indica Today | Shastraas | Indic Knowledge Systems | IndologyIndic academy initiative for publishing content on Shastraas, Indic Knowledge Systems & Indology and to showcase the activities of Indic Academy.
CFIKSCEFIKS - The Center for Indigenous Knowledge Systems (CEFIKS) is an independent not-for-profit, non-governmental organization based in Accra, Ghana. CEFIKS has an affiliate branch in the United States.
Making things better for families in Point DouglasThe Winnipeg Boldness Project is an Indigenous-led social innovations lab. The initiative centers community perspectives, experiences, knowledge systems and values in defining the problems that are most pressing for fami
Medical Astrology: Illness and Remedy through Birth Chart | by PropertMedical astrology is a meeting place of two of the oldest knowledge systems: astrology and medicine. It assumes that every sign in the zodiac controls specific parts of the human body, and the position of planets in an i
Council of ArchitectureCouncil of ArchitectureMinistry of Education, Government of India
Samskrit Tutorial | Best Website to Learn SamskritSamskrit Tutorial is the ultimate site to learn/practice Samskrit. This is a Teaching Learning resource for Teachers, Students and Parents.
Samskrit Promotion Foundation (SPF)Samskrit Promotion Foundation works closely with Academic Institutions and other NGOs to promote Samskrit in all academic institutions.
Samskrit Promotion Foundation (SPF)Samskrit Promotion Foundation works closely with Academic Institutions and other NGOs to promote Samskrit in all academic institutions.
Samskrit Promotion Foundation (SPF)Samskrit Promotion Foundation works closely with Academic Institutions and other NGOs to promote Samskrit in all academic institutions.
Samskrit Tutorial | Best Website to Learn SamskritSamskrit Tutorial is the ultimate site to learn/practice Samskrit. This is a Teaching Learning resource for Teachers, Students and Parents.
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